Morgan County High School:
A Georgia College & Career Academy
Standard 2
Planning & Sustainability
The GCCA maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that fully utilizes flexibility to support a commitment to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
Strategic Plan
Adopt a strategic plan that addresses the GCCA’s specific interim and long-term goals, regularly reviews progress against its goals,
identifies strategies to improve its results, and holds itself accountable for implementing improvement strategies and determining impact.
GCCAN Participation
Ensure the majority of the GCCA’s governing board voting members represent business and industry.
By-laws should include selection, terms and limits, and removal of members.
GCCAN Meetings
Metro East (Technical College Partners: Atlanta Tech and Georgia Piedmont,
Athens Tech and Southern Crescent Welcome)
Host: Newton College and Career Academy - Chad Walker, CEO & Newton County
Industrial Development Authority
Date: December 13th
Time: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm (lunch provided)
Marketing Plan
Adopt and implement a marketing plan that includes collaboration with stakeholders.
1. Communication (social media, website, brochures, flyers, campus tours, career fairs) and
2. Promotion (special populations, academic advisement, articulation, fund raising, CTSOs, career development, dual enrollment to include academic, CTAE, and Accelerated Career)