Morgan County High School:
A Georgia College & Career Academy
Standard 3
Teaching & Assessing for Learning
The GCCA’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices fully utilize flexibility to support and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.
Establish a culture that promotes the success of students in the work force, including soft skills, employability skills, and financial literacy.
Culture can be seen in a variety of ways. Through our programs, our history, and our daily activities.
Data for student growth
Use data to identify student learning needs and academic growth.
Promote student participation in career and technical student organizations (CTSOs)
and other organizations aligned to college and career readiness.
Professional Growth
Ensure professional growth opportunities are driven by specific identified data sources and targeted to instructor needs and the GCCA.
Teacher training
CTAE Coaching Opportunity
Shared Accountability
Establish shared accountability and collaboration between the GCCA and its partners to improve student learning.
Teacher training
Registration Website
Advisory Board
Athens Tech
​Morgan County Fire Rescue
Morgan Medical Center
Meeting the Needs of GCCA Students
Ensure access to support to address the physical, social, financial and emotional needs of GCCA students.