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Standard 4

Economic and Workforce Development

The GCCA’s Career Pathways, Dual Enrollment, and Postsecondary Certifications fully utilize flexibility to support an alignment to the economic and workforce needs of the community and are driven and evaluated by its business partners.

Wes Coody and Seth Wood.jpg


Collaborate with employers to develop and promote work-based learning opportunities for students, GCCA faculty, and staff. 

Merritt Ainslie: WBL/YAP Coordinator

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Program Offerings

Utilize data collected from business partners to ensure appropriate program offerings,




technical, work ethic, and employability skills are embedded in the curriculum.




Workforce Needs

Ensure staff remains current in its ability to meet workforce development needs through high-quality professional development and externships.


Fund Raising

Ensure partnerships are developed to provide fund-raising support, donated equipment, and/or in-kind services to the GCCA. /   


Provide evidence of innovative practices that ensure students are college and career ready with coursework aligned to the expectations of business and industry.





Provide evidence of innovative practices that ensure students are college and career ready with coursework aligned to the expectations of business and industry.




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Decision Making

Utilize data collected from post-secondary partners to ensure data-driven decision making about appropriate program offerings


Post Graduation TCC Information


and skills embedded in the curriculum.  


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