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Standard 5

Performance Contract

The GCCA fully utilizes flexibility provided by a performance contract and can meet annual accountability goals by fulfilling state and federal accountability requirements.  Specifically, GCCAs must meet applicable state performance targets.  Likewise, GCCAs must fully utilize flexibility to meet innovations, governing board requirements, and legal requirements established in its performance contract.nd ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.

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Charter System

Effectively uses broad flexibility afforded to the GCCA under the performance contract to implement the innovations outlined in the performance contract.


Describe how the College and Career Academy has used flexibility to develop and implement innovative practices.



What is the status of the implementation of the College and Career Academy as an innovative feature in the district’s charter system performance contract?



What has been the outcome of the implementation of the College and Career Academy on student achievement?



Governance Practices

Implements effective governance practices, as outlined in the performance contract and state and federal statutes, which include:

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Shared Accountability

Utilize data collected from business partners to ensure appropriate program offerings, technical, work ethic, and employability skills are embedded in the curriculum.   

Athens Tech

​Shared Education

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