Encompassing College & Career objectives by applying Innovation, Leadership, and Communication skills in CTAE
The BOD provides input/recommendations in the following areas:
Communication and Parent Involvement
School-community communication strategies
Parent/Community Involvement Plan and parent engagement guidelines
Extra-curricular activities
Rewards and recognitions
Approves proposed school budget presented by principal
Monitors budget allocations
Provides input on school capital improvements
Resource Allocation
Proposes input regarding allocation of personnel and other resources within allocated budget to principal, and ultimately the Superintendent
School Improvements
Participates in the development of and approves School Improvement Plan
Monitors implementation of the School Improvement Plan
Monitors results of approved innovations
Monitors/provides input on school attendance
Personnel Decisions
Recommends slate of principal candidates in the case of a vacancy, except in the case of an administrative transfer by the Superintendent
Evaluation and Review of School-Related Measures
College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI)
MAP data
Georgia Milestones data
Program evaluation data presented to the Board of Education
Over-all TKES dashboard data (not related to individual teachers)
Annual School Governance Team Survey